Stereotype 20 : How to release stereotypes

How to release stereotypes

Stereotypes are based on an abstract generalized understanding of the personality qualities of a certain type of members, reflecting the commonality of such members, and have a certain degree of rationality and credibility, so it can simplify people's cognitive process, help make quick judgments about people, and help people adapt to the environment quickly and effectively. However, stereotypes are only a general and generalized view, and cannot replace living individuals, so the mistake of "generalization" is always inevitable. The stereotype effect comes from the impression of direct interaction, and the other is through the introduction of others or the propaganda of the communication media. The stereotype effect has both positive and negative effects. People who live in the same area, work in the same profession, and belong to the same race will always have some common characteristics.

If we don't understand this point, when we interact with others, we only look at stereotypes, like the Zheng people who "cut their feet to fit their shoes" and believe in stereotypes as "size" rather than in their own personal experience, we will make mistakes and fail in interpersonal communication, which naturally And it will not help us to achieve success. Therefore, the stereotype effect tends to make people rigid and conservative, and once people form incorrect stereotypes and use such stereotypes to measure everything, it will cause cognitive bias, just like putting on "colored glasses" to see people, as in Figure 20-1. 

The role and characteristics of stereotypes in different people's minds are different. The stereotype effect is not "stereotypical" and can be changed for people with high education level, good thinking style and correct worldview. 

The stereotype effect is superficial, often the classification of individuals or a group is too simple and mechanical, some rely only on the perception of staying on the surface to qualify; stereotype effect also has tribal commonality, in the same society, the same group, due to the same culture, values, information sources, stereotypes have a surprising consistency; stereotype effect also has a strong subjectivity, often based on the accidental The stereotype effect is also strongly subjective, often judging or classifying based on casual experience, mostly by generalizing or even reversing right and wrong. If we initially assume that Japanese people are hard-working, ambitious and smart, Americans are practical, fun-loving and conformist, Jews are ambitious, hard-working and smart, women are better at raising children, taking care of others and being gentle and obedient than men, people who wear glasses are smart, professors are a bit eccentric and usually look careless, etc., when we first meet these people, we will unconsciously apply the existing concepts to them. When we meet these people for the first time, we will unconsciously use the existing concepts to apply them, and the result will often be a laughable and embarrassing situation. 

As teachers or parents of students or other members of society, when evaluating students' personalities, we should first of all have a big systemic view of thinking, avoid single line or linear thinking, and consider the diversity and complexity of causes and results, instead of "one thing, one phenomenon, one result", we should establish multiple causes and results. Secondly, we should use the development perspective to see the problem, the world is always developing and changing, if you use the boat to deal with the problem, can only be backward, to make a joke, will eventually lead to serious mistakes. Once again, we must observe students from multiple directions and angles, "look across the mountain into a peak, near and far, different heights". Only by observing more, it is possible to get to know a person more comprehensively. 

The key to overcoming or eliminating the stereotype effect. 

First, we should be good at using the "eyes to see the truth" to check the "partial hearing of the word", consciously pay attention to and seek information inconsistent with stereotypes. 

Secondly, we should go deep into the group, have extensive contact with the members of the group, and focus on strengthening communication with the typical and representative members of the group, continuously retrieve and verify the information that contradicts the reality in the original stereotype, and finally overcome the negative impact of the stereotype and obtain accurate understanding. 

Therefore, we should correct the negative effect of stereotype effect, make efforts to learn new knowledge, constantly expand our vision, develop ideas, update our concepts and develop a good way of thinking.

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