Stereotype 08: Northerners' stereotypes of the South

Northerners' stereotypes of the South

In the north of China, there are few mountains and many plains, and when you look around, you can see everything for miles or even hundreds of miles, so northerners are more open and cheerful, generous and unpretentious. On the contrary, the south is such as mountains and rivers and less plains, the topography of the landscape by the mountains and water block, the block is quite serious, just make the plain areas are also gullies, mountain peaks and loops, vision is confined in a narrow space. In order to survive, they have developed the habit of careful calculation, prudence and cleverness in using available resources. In addition, the climatic differences between the north and the south have caused the psychological differences between people in the north and the south. The southern climate is milder and wetter, a variety of plants and flowers, so that the southern people spring into a calm, peaceful, emotional and delicate character, or more open-minded. While the northern climate is colder and drier, more sandy, nearly half a year of frost and snow, so people who have lived in the north for a long time have formed a calm, pure-hearted, virtuous personality. Some environmental meteorologists, but also from another logic also argued that the geographical environment on the psychological and personality effects. They study that the mountain residents because of the wide area, pushing the door to see the mountains, a long time in this environment, it will develop a loud voice, straightforward proceedings, treat people with sincerity of character, so there is a "love of the mountains benevolent" said the warm and humid rivers and lakes seaside areas, because of the wet climate, beautiful scenery, vibrant. Therefore, the residents here are often sentimental, witty and agile, so there is a "love of water wisdom" said. The herdsmen living in the broad grasslands of the plant, because of the vast grasslands and difficult transportation, so the character is brisk and rugged, hospitable. And in the cold region, because of the outdoor activities less time, people more in a small space with people night and day, so often have a strong endurance and self-control. The Eskimos, who live in the coldest places on earth, have an amazing eye control and are known as the "never angry people" in the world. On the contrary, people living in certain places in the tropics, in order to avoid the heat, most of the outdoor life and labor, coupled with the cultural and educational backwardness, character is often unrestrained, often for some small things and fights, more mean, difficult to get along.

Northeasterners also generally have a stereotypical impression of southerners in their bones, which is calculating. As shown in Figure 8-1, this calculation is not a calculating mind, but a fine calculation of money. Northeasterners are more rugged and often very pretentious, and it is normal to wipe a zero with a big hand, but not in the South.

What other stereotypes do northerners have about southerners? Very euphemistic. Generally speaking, the northerners are more straightforward nature, while the southerners are slightly more gentle and soft nature, coupled with the different regional culture, the northerners get along with each other is more tough, usually scolded to scold, but that is a special exchange between friends, the whole region is that way, get used to it will not feel how, not unqualified, very silly and so on, the southerners are not used to the northerners The kind of too hard character, easy to get into trouble, speak without half-heartedness, and the northerners do not like the southerners polite, think the southerners sissy, white boy and so on, which are different regional culture caused.

So, you can't look at this matter with an ambiguous vision.



Sun Yanhong,The influence of geographical differences on people in the north and south 

Hao Chunxiao, College of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University, Journal of Henan College of Education, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, 2018, pp. 106-109

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