Stereotype 14 : Stereotypes of foreign friends

Stereotypes of foreign friends

There are many stereotypes about foreigners in our country, such as that all British people speak English and all Americans are rich. But the last decade or so no one should still have this stereotype; Muslims are terrorists, it goes without saying that this is the stereotype that is popular around the world; Vietnamese women want to marry in China, excluding a small number, but most want to find close to home, many self-media and intermediaries boast; there are such things as the Japanese are serious and rigorous, but not preconceived notions that once you hear the word Japan, it is rigorous, independent thinking. In short, we are all human beings, there are good people and bad people everywhere, people and people are different, do not have particularly strong stereotypes, do not have preconceptions.

The biggest misunderstanding Chinese people have about foreigners is that Chinese people think that foreigners think like Chinese people. For example, in many Chinese science fiction works, the fact that humans can form a coalition government is seen as a certain inevitability. But in reality, humanity is in a situation now where it is even more difficult to unite than it was 10 years ago and 20 years ago.

A new crown epidemic hit, no less than an all-human crisis, a mini-apocalyptic preview. But how is humanity coping? The Chinese always wishfully think that people in other countries, especially in the West, can think like the Chinese. The Chinese will not understand why the West would question, for example, the prevention of airborne New Coronavirus when the Chinese think it is natural to wear masks, as in Figure 14-1, while the West can come up with all kinds of reasons not to wear masks The Chinese think that sealing off the city and isolating it is a necessary measure, while the Westerners feel that it violates human rights and is not free, the Chinese think that such a moment should give more support to WHO to defeat the global new crown epidemic, while the US has directly withdrawn from WHO, European countries are grabbing and grabbing medical supplies, the Chinese think that the prerequisite for economic recovery is to control the epidemic, and the second quarter GDP has turned negative to positive, while the Western countries think that they can forcibly save the The economy, forcing the resumption of work and production, it does not matter if people die every year due to epidemics, the economy can not be saved.

The most important point is that the Chinese think that I will help you, you will be grateful to me, do not know that the Chinese medical aid team just left, there will pass the bill of accountability to China, when the Chinese can stop using Chinese thinking to speculate about the West, when the Chinese can fundamentally reverse the passive situation in the world. Always use the traditional Confucian set of self-judgment, do not do to others what you do not want to do to foreign countries, the ultimate loss is always their own. Why? You give up, others feel that you backed down, so they can stomp on the nose. You give a stern warning, expecting others to understand your meaning and stop, but unfortunately others think you are just playing lip service. Only when you respond with language and logic that they can understand can they understand. There are even many terms that Chinese people understand that mean something completely different from what Westerners understand, such as what is freedom and what is humanity. Humanitarianism" is the argument. The problem in China now is that not only do we misunderstand foreigners on many issues, but some Chinese are very innovative and creative in the direction of misunderstanding.



Chen Shengluo, Chinese college students' views on Japan [J], Youth Studies, 2003 (11)

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