Stereotype 07: Southerners' stereotypes of the North

Southerners' stereotypes of the North

Currently, the phenomenon of regional stereotypes is widespread in our country. While it brings us a favorable side, it also brings us more negative effects and even develops into regional discrimination, which has a negative impact on the political, economic and social life of our country.

Since the birth of China, its political and economic center has been located in the Central Plains, now known as "Henan". The Son of Heaven was in the Central Plains until the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was driven away to Hangzhou, when the political center began to move north and the economic center began to move south, and from then on China entered the era of political and economic dichotomy: the south developed its economy, while the north held on to politics, until now. Many people can't figure out what is the boundary between the south and the north, but the line is Qinling - Huai River, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Do southerners and northerners understand each other? Southerners have a lot of stereotypes about northerners, as shown in Figure 7-2. Southerners think that people in the northeast are brash and bold, have a big temper, love to be impulsive, eat a lot, and love to fight, etc. Northerners think that southerners are calculating and have to count a few cents and a few cents clearly, which southerners think is accounting, and some northerners will think it is petty. Northerners believe that "power is the truth"; so like to be an official; Southerners believe that "money can buy everything"; so like to do business; Northerners are "a roar of injustice", making good use of Women can also fight like men. Southerners are "gentleman move their mouths, not their hands", like to reason, men can also open their mouths to quarrel like women. Northerners like to talk a good game and then promise you a lot of things that they can't do afterwards. Southerners tend not to say so many big words, but as long as you promised, will generally do to. Northerners are eager to find a good job; southerners want to run a good business; northerners like to talk about feelings at the table, and then see how to partner, the north is suitable for making friends; southerners like to talk about business in the teahouse, and then talk about how to cooperate, the south is suitable for finding partners; northerners talk about business first to do emotional exchanges, the two sides call each other brothers, so that feelings set up business. But when it comes to really involve the interests of the relationship, often arguments, so many friends in the north finally became enemies. Southerners talk about business first to share the benefits, sign a gentleman's agreement, rely on the interests of maintaining relations. No worries about what is clear, and then do it together, so the southerners tend to be more successful in business.

Is the impression of northerners in the eyes of southerners are rude and stupid? The northerners have historically been less educated than the south, and were at the forefront of the internal migration of the barbarians, even they helped the barbarians to move south to destroy and ravage, while the southerners were relatively peaceful and accommodated a large number of Han elites who moved south, and the Han cultural level was much higher compared to those nomads who moved south, so the southerners were cultured and produced many scholars and literati, while the northerners were more military. What are the factors that cause the difference between the character of southerners and northerners? Whether southerners or northerners, the formation of a person's character, external and local customs and culture, contact with the characteristics of the group, food habits, internal and their own life experience has a lot to do with, if from childhood to your relatives around you like to drink, it is difficult not to exercise your alcohol, people in the final analysis, or herd animals, "northerners brash, southerners shrewd "This sentence is of course a bit stereotypical, but in terms of relative proportions, this sentence has a certain reasonableness.

China is a vast country, the climate, humanities, food and culture in the north and south are naturally very different, and the people that are bred out of it naturally have their own characteristics. Don't be influenced by stereotypes, but make the right judgment. Because positive stereotypes can benefit people a lot, but negative stereotypes, sometimes like an invisible blade, can deeply hurt others, just when you don't know it.






Li Yaling, Advances in the study of implicit stereotypes [J], Social Psychological Science, 2005, Vol. 02

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