Stereotype 13: Stereotypes of the grandfather era

Stereotypes of the grandfather era

The impression of reform and opening up in people's eyes is that it a dramatic historical change, as General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up: "Reform and opening up is a great awakening of our Party" and "a great revolution in the history of the development of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. " The reform and opening up has brought about many changes: the comprehensive national power has been greatly enhanced, people's living standard has generally improved, inflation has been effectively controlled; the industrial structure has been greatly improved, and the "shortage" phenomenon that has long plagued economic development has been basically eliminated; basic industries and infrastructure such as energy, transportation, communication, important raw materials, etc. have been developed rapidly. The development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries has been coordinated, and science and technology are developing rapidly.

Of course, the impact of reform and opening-up on us is reflected in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation.

As shown in Figure 13-1, before the reform and opening up, everyone wore the same gray Zhongshan suit or blue liberation suit, which was described as the "blue ocean". After the reform and opening up, with the abundance of materials and the liberation of the mind, people's clothing has become colorful, many people wear brand-name clothing or fashion, clothing is not only a tool to keep warm, but also a way to show people's manners and show their personality. Before the reform and opening up, food was scarce and monotonous, people's nutrition was seriously inadequate, and some rural areas did not even solve the problem of the most basic food and clothing. After the reform and opening up, people not only can "eat enough", but also "eat well", pay attention to balanced nutrition, coarse and fine, green food and other scientific and hygienic concepts are increasingly popular.

 Before the reform and opening up, people's living conditions were poor. After the reform and opening up, not only the living area per capita is large, but also the interior decoration and living environment have been significantly improved. Since the reform and opening up, China's transportation conditions have improved significantly, and the growth of railroads, highways and airlines has been rapid.

 Due to the improvement of economic conditions and the extension of holidays, more and more people go out to travel. In addition to taking trains, it is not uncommon to take airplanes, and people who travel in private cars also account for a certain proportion. Before the reform and opening up, the "four major items" that represented the living standard at that time were sewing machine, bicycle, watch and radio. After the reform and opening up, color TV, refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, telephone, computer and cell phone have become quite popular.

The above shows that since the reform and opening up, our life has become better and better, and we don't have to worry about food and clothing, but we ignore the fact that more people go out to work, and our family will only be lively during the New Year, and there are few people at home, so the impression of "working wave" appears. The standard of living has improved, but the gap between the rich and the poor has widened, cultural life has improved, but eating, drinking, whoring and gambling have become rampant, culture has improved, but good traditions have been destroyed, national output has increased, but the green mountains and water have been destroyed, the gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed, but workers are laid off and unemployed, some people's money bags have expanded, but humanity has been lost. The problem of the gap between rich and poor, the problem of moral foundation, these problems are inseparable from the main group of people who dominate the development of today's society, the world view and outlook on life of these main group of people is the main root cause of these social problems, they have to influence us for generations or more.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that reform and opening up is only a work in progress and not a finished one. Without reform and opening up, there would be no China today, and there would be no China tomorrow. The rapid development of China relies on reform and opening up, and the future development of China must also firmly rely on reform and opening up. In the face of the future, there is no other way but to deepen reform and opening up in order to crack the various problems facing development, resolve the risks and challenges from all sides, better utilize the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and promote sustainable and healthy economic and social development.


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